Friday, October 12, 2007

The Tea Pot!

Remember how I wanted a tea pot so you could have the memories of the special stuff at grandma's? Remember how I wanted one of the ones that had been in our famiy for years only to find out they had been given to your aunts? How I found the hippo cookie jar that now sits on the table for you to see every time you come to visit? Well, now I have found the tea pot.. and it is awesome. We have two little tea cups that we can have our tea out of..

I also found this old rocking horse. So let the memories begin.. Grandpa and I will be there in a few weeks to see you. Don't grow too much between now and then and have fun at Auntie T's tonight... I love you.. Grandma.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Sorry Ogre Child, it's your gene pool!

I'm sorry OC.. it's in

your gene pool... please forgive us our sins..